Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Here we go!

I started a series.
So exciting.
Hopefully it will go far.

So, with my last post. Here's what I have so far.
Plus lots of film ones that are fun too, but not yet processed.

Also - Whoaaaaaa, I have a darkroom in my closet. Say what?


Cadet Jared said...

the first two are beautiful. thanks for sharing.

Cadet Tom said...

these are amazing. i love the lamp ideas.

the swing photo caught me off guard at first, but i've come to like it. a lot. actually. the more i look at it, the more i like it. i don't know about the bw vs. color segments, but the composition is complex and engaging.

i LOVE the motion in the fourth photo. it's captured exquisitely.

the fifth photo is clever.

and the fourth reminds me of hell, but in a good way.

i like them all . can i see more? can i see your darkroom??

Cadet Tom said...
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Cadet Tom said...
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Cadet Tom said...
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Cadet Tom said...
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Cadet Tom said...
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Cadet Tom said...
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Cadet Tom said...

whoops got the fourth and fifth mixed up, but i'm sure you realized that.